Monday, April 21, 2008

Return to Aircraft Creation

I've had a much longer break than expected from aircraft creation due to the after effects of radiotherapy and cancer recovery. I am tentatively back on track and have resumed work on a Fokker D.VIII which has approximately 20 hours work on it presently. (For Flight Simulator X)

I've also been spending some time experimenting and working on CFS3 terrain creation. Yes I realise that CFS3 is an old flight simulation, 2002 vintage, however it's the only half decent open architecture combat flight simulator and the most recent example of a combat flight simulator from Microsoft around. CSF3 does show its age.... though it can be tarted up to look nice. The pictures in the linked post show CFS3 sceneries featuring JohnnoUK's trees and terrain textures combined with my SRTM terrain mesh. I hope to post more on this and other scenery experiments in the future.

